Blooms AcademyBlooms Academy


It is a privilege for me to convey God's Blessings to Blooms Academy.

I have obseved with deep satisfaction, the consistent progress morale by the unstitution, and under the present Principal the divine guidance of our lord has ensured that the process of imparting quality education continues with sincere diligence. The institution has moved forward undeterred by difficulties, to keep the lamp of learning, shining brighter than ever.

The school community has been a pioneer in the spread of education. They understood that merely being literate was short of being educated, and that the latter included the all round development of character and personality. This understanding became the basis of constructive and wholesome education. I can proclaim that Blooms Academy is one of the best examples of what a seat of learning and education should be.

May our elders keep showering their blessings upon Blooms Academy so that it continues in its endears of imparting quality education to the future billons of our nation.